Name: Pablo-Jill
Type: Jedi Knight
Species: Ongree
Homeworld: Skustell
Gender: Male
Born: —
Died: —
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Yellow
Height: 2.04m
Weight: —
Skin: Yellow
Brawling Parry: 4D
Lightsaber: 9D+2
Melee Combat: 7D
Melee Parry: 6D+1
Alien Species: 5D
Bureaucracy: 6D
Cultures: 5D
Intimidation: 7D
Languages: 5D+2
Planetary Systems: 6D
Scholar: Jedi Lore 6D
Survival: 5D
Tactics: 6D
Willpower: 4D
Communications: 8D+2
Sensors: 5D
Space Transports: 6D
Command: 6D+2
Investigation: 5D
Persuasion: 5D+2
Search: 6D
Brawling: 5D+2
Stamina: 6D+1
Computer Programming/Repair: 5D
First Aid: 3D+1
Lightsaber Repair: 6D
Security: 5D
Special Abilities:
Force Skills: Control 6D+2, Sense 7D, Alter 6D
Force Powers:
Control: Absorb/dissipate energy, accelerate healing, concentration, contort/escape, control pain, emptiness, enhance attribute, force of will, hibernation trance, remain conscious
Sense: Combat sense, danger sense, life detection, life sense, magnify senses, receptive telepathy, sense Force
Alter: Telekinesis
Control and Sense: Farseeing, lightsaber combat
Control and Alter: control another’s pain
Sense and Alter: Dim another’s senses, lesser force shield, malacia
Control, Sense and Alter: Affect mind, battle meditation
Force Sensitive: Y
Force Points: 2
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 12
Move: 8
Equipment: Lightsaber (5D), Jedi robes
Background: Pablo-Jill was an Ongree male Jedi Knight that participated in the First Battle of Geonosis as a part of the Jedi assault team. Pablo-Jill fought alongside the Jedi to free Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker, along with Senator Padmé Amidala from the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Sometime during the Clone Wars, Pablo-Jill’s lightsaber was stolen from floating debris by Separatist General Grievous following an intense duel over Duro in a satellite city that left Pablo-Jill injured. Though encouraged by the Jedi Order to take a Padawan, Pablo-Jill never chose one. Pablo-Jill wore Jedi robes and owned a blue-bladed lightsaber.
Appearances: Episode II Attack of the Clones