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Name: Nix Card
Type: Banker
Species: Muun
Homeworld: Scipio
Gender: Male
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Yellow
Height: 2.46m
Skin: Fair

Blaster: 3D
Dodge: 3D

Accounting: 6D
Alien Species: 4D+1
Bureaucracy: 7D
Business: 8D
Cultures: 4D
Economics: 7D
Languages: 4D
Planetary Systems: 5D
Value: 8D

Repulsorlift Operation: 3D

Bargain: 8D
Command: 4D
Con: 6D
Forgery: 5D
Gambling: 5D
Investigation: 5D
Persuasion: 7D+2


Computer Programming/Repair: 4D
Security: 4D

Special Abilities:
Businessmen: Muun characters get +1D bonus to bargain rolls.

Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 12
Move: 10

Equipment: Vast Riches, Robes, datapad, comlink

Background: Nix Card was a male Muun who served as the InterGalactic Banking Clan’s representative in the Senate. He also was the senator of his homeworld, the Outer Rim Territories planet of Muunilinst. In his time as the representative of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, he spoke with senators Lott Dod of the Trade Federation, and Gume Saam of the Techno Union after the proposal of a bill that would have deregulated the banks. During their meeting, Saam proposed killing Senator PadmĂ© Amidala of Naboo, which Card and Dod dismissed as the Banking Clan and the Trade Federation “were about business not violence.” Later, Card spoke with Count Dooku, the Head of State of the Separatist Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Confederacy’s commander, General Grievous, and urged the Separatists to launch an attack on the capital of the Galactic Republic, Coruscant. Then, Grievous sent several Infiltrator demolition droids to the planet, where would destroy the capital’s Central power distribution grid.

As the Separatist Senate voted to open peace negotiations, Card met with Count Dooku, Dod and Saam again, where Card told Dooku that it was troubling to see the Serennian’s own senate proposing peace negotiations. Then, Dooku assured the senators that an attack would come, and that the Techno Union, the Banking Clan and the Trade Federation would get their fair share and then some of the war’s profits. After the demolition droids destroyed the power distribution grid, angering the senate and ending the peace proposal, and fullfilling Card’s wish for an attack and end for peace negotiations. Later on, Card attended a slave auction at Zygerria, where he witnessed Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, and stated that the Jedi were not tough, after all.

Card later visited the planet of Scipio with Senator Amidala, where Amidala and Clovis devised a plan to investigate the missing funds of the bank, when Amidala entered the vault, Card and a squad of Muun guards escorted Clovis. And later, when the vault’s power was lost, Card inquired one of the Muun guards on the situation. After Amidala and the Core Five left the vault, the senator returned to her quarters, where Card arrested her for espionage. As Amidala and Clovis escaped Scipio with stolen files that could show the status of the Muun organization, Card informed Clu Lesser, the spokesman of the Core Five, that he and him alone had allowed the events to happen, after incriminating Lesser, Card spoke with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, in the Chancellor’s Sith identity, Darth Sidious, and informed the Sith of Clovis and Amidala’s status and the status of the information. Then, Sidious informed Card that they would then continue with the next state of the procceedings, and upon Card’s inquiry, he assured the Muun that he would be protected. The Muun later ceded control to the Office of the Supreme Chancellor upon Clovis’ death.

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