Planet: Naboo
Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
Hydrosphere: Moist
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Mountains, plains, swamps
Length of Day: 26 standard hours
Length of Year: 312 local days
Sapient Species: Humans, Gungans (N)
Starport: Stellar class
Population: 1.2 billion Humans, unknown Gungans
Planet Function: Homeworld, cultural center
Government: Democracy
Tech Level: Space
Major Exports: Grains, works of art
Major Imports: Technology, processed foods
System: Naboo
Star: Naboo
Orbital Bodies:
- Moth – Searing rock – 0 Moona
- Erep – Searing rock – 1 Moons
- Naboo – Terrestrial – 3 Moons
- Widow – Barren rock – 1 Moons
- Storm – Gas giant – 32 Moons
- TFP-9 – Space station – 0 Moons
Background: Naboo was a bountiful planet in the Chommell sector of the Mid Rim, close to the border of the Outer Rim Territories. It was home to the Gungan species and to a population of humans known as the Naboo. Naboo was pushed to the forefront of galactic politics as the birthplace of the Dark Lord of the Sith Sheev Palpatine, who served as its representative in the Senate of the Galactic Republic.
Under the guise of his Sith title Darth Sidious, Palpatine secretly engineered an invasion of his peaceful homeworld by the Trade Federation in a bid for power. Ostensibly done in protest over proposed taxation of formerly free trade routes, the Federation’s invasion led to an outpouring of support from the Senate for both Palpatine and the newly-elected Queen of Naboo, Padmé Amidala. Amidala led a successful resistance movement and removed the Federation from her world during the Battle of Naboo. Palpatine subsequently rose to the office of the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, with Amidala eventually taking his place as the planet’s senatorial representative.
Naboo would commit itself firmly to democracy in the intervening years, staying loyal to the Republic during the pan-galactic Clone Wars, which saw several military engagements against the Confederacy of Independent Systems come to the planet. By the time of the war’s end, Palpatine had amassed considerable power and proclaimed himself the head of a new Galactic Empire. Palpatine’s reign would eventually be ended by the Alliance to Restore the Republic, a rebel movement led by Amidala’s children, Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker.
Despite his origins on the planet, Palpatine did not care at all for his homeworld and, following his death, Naboo was named a priority target for Operation: Cinder, a protocol that the Sith Lord had put in place to destroy Imperial worlds should they fail to protect their Emperor. Through the intervention of Organa and Queen Sosha Soruna, however, Naboo was spared from ruin and went on to become a member of the successor state to the Alliance, the New Republic. Decades later, the planet would again fight against tyranny, rising up against the military junta of the First Order during its war with Organa’s Resistance.