Species: Morseerian
Home Planet: Merj
Attribute Dice: 12D
Special Abilities:
Ambidextrous: Morseerians can use any of their four hands with equal skill, and suffer no off-hand penalties.
Multi-limbed: Morseerians have four arms and can use them all at the same time. Penalties for multiple actions still apply.
Sharp-Eyed: Morseerians gain a +2 bonus to all search skill rolls involving sight.
Story Factors:
Methane-breather: If removed from a methane-rich atmosphere for more than six rounds, a Morseerian must make a Moderate Strength roll or go unconscious. Each round thereafter, the difficulty increases by +3. Once unconscious, the Morseerian will take one level of damage per round unless returned to a methane-rich atmosphere.
Secretive: Morseerians will never, under any circumstances, reveal the location of their homeworld, nor have many been seen outside of an environment suit, making their appearance a matter of conjecture.
Move: 10/12
Size: 1.5 to 1.7 meters tall
Background: Morseerians were a sentient species native to the planet Merj, that had elongated, conical heads, four arms, and a methane-based respiration. Morseerians were unable to distinguish human faces. Morseerians had to wear special suits and gas masks when traveling to oxygen-based planets. Morseerians had green skin, though the skin underneath their suits was translucent.
Chell Trambin was a Morseerian Nihil who lived during the High Republic Era. He would later perish during the Second attack on Cyclor.
Multiple Morseerian scientists worked for the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars, including Nan Pakota and Urshe Torr. They were tasked with overseeing the creation of a biological warfare agent that would affect the clone troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic. Galactic Republic Lieutenant Commander Orson Krennic undertook a mission to Merj to capture the scientists and then use them in a prisoner exchange on Vallt.
Shortly before the Battle of Yavin, a male Morseerian named Nabrun Leids, attended the cantina of Mos Eisley the day Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker met Han Solo and Chewbacca. Many years later, Leids was present on Oba Diah, where he told Karr Nuq Sin about Skywalker and Kenobi’s appearance at the cantina, though Leids did not remember what planet it had occurred on.
Appearances: Young Jedi Adventures, Star Wars: Episode IVĀ A New Hope, Resistance