Force Power: Merge Senses

Sense Difficulty: Moderate. Modified by proximity.

Time to use: Three rounds.

Required powers: Magnify Senses

Effect: This power allows a Force user to perceive things through the senses of another creature, one with animal intelligence or less. He can see through the eyes of the selected creature, enjoying the benefits of being bound by the restrictions of the creature’s vision. He can hear through the creature’s ears; smell was that creature smells; and physically feel whatever the creature is feeling. The Force user does not control the creature, but can make suggestions. The simpler or less threatening the request, the more likely it will be agreed to. If a suggestion goes against the nature of the creature or would put it in an obviously hazardous situation, the Force user must make a sense roll against the subject’s willpower. Failure means the suggestion is ignored. While the Force user’s senses are merged with a creature’s, the Force user’s body is motionless, its senses unable to function until, of course, the meld is broken. Releasing the target creature requires a Moderate roll. The link with the creature is also broken by the death of either the creature of the Force user. If the creature suffers damage or dies during a meld, the Force user suffers one-half the amount of damage.

Background: Merge Senses was a Sense-based Force power. It allowed the Force-user to merge their senses with another creature such as an animal or something with a lower intelligence than that. The Force-user was able to perceive the world through the senses of the creature; they would see through its eyes, hear through its ears, smell through its olfactory senses, and physically feel whatever the creature touched. The Force-user did not control the creature, but through simple suggestions and requests, could influence the creature. If the Force-user tried to influence the creature to do something against its nature, or inherently dangerous, the creature would generally ignore it unless the Force-user strongly imposed their will on their target. During the merge, the Force-user’s body was immobile, with its senses shut down. Withdrawing from the merge had to be done carefully, but the link could be broken if the host creature was injured or died. The Sullustan T’laerean Larn learned the power from the Wise Man of Kooroo on the planet Gelgelar, and successfully merged with a reeho.