Craft: Feethan Ottraw Scalable Assemblies Mankvim-814 Light Interceptor
Affiliation: Techno Union
Era: Rise of the Empire
Source: Starships of the Galaxy – Saga Ed. (page 109)
Type: Light interceptor
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 10.7 meters
Skill: Starfighter piloting: Mankvim-814
Crew: 1
Cargo Capacity: None
Cost: 15,000 (new), 6,000 (used)
Consumables: 2 hours
Maneuverability: 2D+2
Space: 10
Atmosphere: 500; 1,450 kmh
Hull: 1D+2
Shields: 1D
Passive: 15/0D
Scan: 25/1D
Search: 40/2D
Focus: 1/2D
Twin Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-5/10/17
Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1/1.7 km
Damage: 2D
Background: The Mankvim-814 light interceptor, also known as the Techno Union starfighter, or Rattletrap, was a starfighter used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems near the close of the Clone Wars.
The Mankvim-814’s simple construction consisted largely of a reactor feeding power to a high-velocity ion drive. A magnetized rudder tilted the ion flow for off-axis thrust, while side thrusters aided roll and yaw adjustments.
The interceptor was armed with twin rapid-fire laser cannons and durable deflector shields for combat. The Mankvim-814 light interceptor seated one pilot, typically a droid pilot. The interceptor’s aerodynamic wings, fitted with repulsorlifts, aided the overall maneuverability.