Name: Lys Solay (as of Young Jedi Adventures Season 2)
Type: Jedi Youngling
Species: Human
Homeworld: —
Gender: Female
Born: —
Died: —
Hair Color: Purple
Eye Color: Blue
Height: —
Weight: —
Skin: Blue

Acrobatics: 5D
Dodge: 4D+1
Lightsaber: 4D

Cultures: 3D
Languages: 3D+1
Scholar: Jedi Lore: 3D+2
Scholar: Zoology 4D
Survival: 3D
Traffic Control Procedures: 3D
Value: 3D
Willpower: 3D+1

Repulsorlift Operation: 3D+1
Space Transports: 3D
Starfighter Piloting: 3D
Starship Gunnery: 2D+1
Starship Shields: 2D+1

Bargain: 3D+2
Hide: 3D+2
Investigation: 4D+1
Persuasion: 4D
Search: 4D+1
Sneak 4D

Brawling: 3D
Climbing/Jumping: 4D
Stamina: 3D+1

First Aid: 3D+1
Lightsaber Repair: 2D+1

Special Abilities:

Cold Tolerance: Pantoran are native to a world of icy tundra and frozen marshes and suffer no penalties while in extreme cold (temperatures equal to or above -0 degrees Celsius).

Force Skills: Control 2D, Sense 2D+1, Alter 2D+2

Accelerate Healing

Force Powers:
Control: Accelerate Healing, Concentration

Sense: Danger Sense, Magnify Senses, Sense Force

Alter: Telekinesis

Control and Sense: Lightsaber Combat

Force-Sensitive: Y
Force Points: 1
Darkside Points: 0
Character Points: 2
Move: 10

Equipment: Training Lightsaber (2D-5D), Jedi High Republic Robes, orange cape

Background: Lys Solay was a Pantoran female Jedi youngling stationed on the forest planet Tenoo for further training during the High Republic Era. She had an affinity for animals and was best friends with fellow Jedi younglings Kai Brightstar and Nubs, as well as the pilot Nash Durango.

Lys has a strong connection with the force. As a youngling, her abilities are stronger when she and her friends combined their powers. Lys can telekinetically move or hold objects without physically touching them. Due to being a creature lover, Lys can be easily distracted by any creature that she sees which is problematic during missions.

Appearances: Young Jedi Adventures