Name: Lothal Jedi Temple
Planet: Lothal
Type: Hidden Temple
Game Note: It takes the power of two Force Users to open the temple before its destruction in 1 BBY.
Background: The Lothal Jedi Temple was an ancient and megalithic structure established and maintained by the Jedi Order before 3277 BBY. Located in the northern hemisphere of the planet Lothal in the Outer Rim Territories, it was one of many temples associated with the Jedi throughout the galaxy and one of the few that the Galactic Empire did not destroy. Built into a natural stone spire and the caverns that sprawled out beneath it, the Temple was commissioned by the Jedi due to the vergence found at the site.
It became a place where Jedi Masters would take their Padawans to determine their readiness to become a Jedi. In 4 BBY, Kanan Jarrus brought his Padawan, Ezra Bridger, to the temple several years before the Battle of Yavin and brought Ahsoka Tano at once. When the Galactic Empire discovered the Temple, it became a site of excavation and research until it was destroyed in 1 BBY. Several years later, Luke Skywalker visited the temple site, and although it was gone, he felt its presence through the Force.