Craft: Lanupa Security Patrol Craft
Type: Airspeeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 12.5 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: Security Gunship
Crew: 1 pilot
Crew Skill: All skills typically at 4D
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 0
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Up to 1,200 meters
Cost: 120,000 (new), 90,000 (used)
Maneuverability: 1D
Move: 225; 650 km/h
Body Strength: 2D
2 Laser Cannon (fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front (ball turret)
Skill: Vehicle blasters
Scale: Vehicle
Fire Control: 1D
Range: 20-100/150/250
Damage: 3D+1
Laser Cannon
Fire Arc: Rear (turret)
Skill: Vehicle blasters
Scale: Vehicle
Fire Control: 1D
Range: 5-10/100/300
Damage: 2D+1

Background: The Lanupa Security Patrol Craft was a security gunship introduced during the New Republic Era to perform law enforcement functions on the planet Lanupa. 

Appearances: Skeleton Crew