Species: Kyuzo
Home Planet: Phatrong
Attribute Dice: 12D
Special Abilities:
Heavy Gravity: Whenever Kyuzo are on a planet with lighter gravity than their homeworld, they receive a +1D to Dexterity and Strength related skills (but not against damage), and add 2 to their Move.
Fast Reflexes: Gain a +1D bonus to all Perception rolls made to determine initiative.
Sensitive Respiratory System: Kyuzo wear corrective lenses and a highly pressurized filter mask or bandages over their faces to assist them in coping with uncomfortable climates like galactic standard habitable environments. As well as causing respiratory and vision problems, exposure to such conditions cause a Kyuzo to become ill within in a short period of time (make Moderate stamina check), interfering with their ability to concentrate (-2 modifier to all skill checks every hour), and slow down considerably (-4 movement), though the symptoms were not fatal.
Story Factors:
Justice and Honor: Kyuzo are known for their strong sense of justice and honor, most Kyuzo regard oaths and contracts as unbreakable and many species seek them as mercenaries, law-enforcement personnel and bounty hunters.
Language: Kyuzos can learn to understand Galactic Basic without difficulty but find it difficult to speak and grammatically confusing. As a result, they favor their own language and rely upon electronic translators or interpreter droids to smooth their interactions with outsiders.
Move: 10
Size: 1.4-2 meters
Background: Kyuzo were a sentient humanoid species native to the gravity-heavy Outer Rim world of Phatrong, where they evolved dense muscle fibers and fast reflexes. A species known for its strong sense of honor and proud martial history, the Kyuzo’s clovocs, a subculture of fighting orders that maintained law and order in specific regions of their homeworld, were one the most recognized elements of the species’ culture in the galaxy at large. Notable Kyuzo included the bounty hunter Embo and Constable Zuvio of Niima Outpost, a frontier trading post located on the planet Jakku.
A lanky, bipedal humanoid sentient species, the Kyuzo originated on the gravity-heavy Outer Rim world of Phatrong. Life under these circumstances resulted in the evolution of dense muscle fibers far better developed than the average bipedal species’ and fast reflexes, which made them dangerous opponents on planets with standard gravity, though their thin arms and legs concealed their considerable strength. Kyuzo had green skin ranging from lighter olive shades to deep blue-green colors and wrinkled faces that sported a pair of piercing, yellowish eyes. There were two primary phenotypes within the Kyuzo population: some had compound eyes, while others had eyes with black, slit-shaped pupils akin to those of humans. The exact genetic history behind this divergence was known to few non-Kyuzo scientists, but the two groups were genetically compatible, with offspring inheriting one trait or the other from a parent. Like many other species, Kyuzo spanned a wide range in terms of height and build with some members of the species towering over most other humans and others considerably smaller in stature. For example, the well-known bounty hunter Embo was lean and stood 1.99 meters tall, while Constable Zuvio was stocky and only stood 1.6 meters in height. In addition, some had only four digits on each hand, while others had five.
Due to the uncommon makeup of their homeworld’s atmosphere, Kyuzo frequently wore corrective lenses and a highly pressurized filter mask or bandages over their faces to protect their sensitive respiratory systems and assist them in coping with uncomfortable climates like galactic standard habitable environments. As well as causing respiratory and vision problems, exposure to such conditions caused a Kyuzo to become ill within in a short period of time, interfered with their ability to concentrate, and slowed them down considerably, though the symptoms were not fatal.