Name: Kundu
Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)
Hydrosphere: Moderate
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Plains, Mesas, Caves, Savannas
Length of Day: —
Length of Year: —
Sapient Species: Besalisk, Human, Ithorian, Mirialan, Nautolan
Starport: Landing Field
Population: 500,000
Planet Function: Mining
Government: Corporate
Tech Level: Space
Trade Routes: —
Major Exports: Raw Materials
Major Imports: Heavy Machinery
Settlements: Small Villages
Points of Interest: Refueling port
Flora: —
Fauna: —
Background: Kundu was an arid planet. It was the home of the Besalisks Braygh and Slaygh.