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Name: Kothal
Planet: Lothal
Starport Type: Landing Field
Traffic: Light
Control: Imperial
Docking Areas: None
Docking Fee: None
Customs: Imperial
Law Enforcement: Medium
Services: Lodging, Food
Population: 50,000
Points of Interest: Kothal Roughnecks Stadium, Kothal Market

Background: Kothal was a settlement located on the planet Lothal. The settlement had several sellers and vendors, including Morad Sumar. Garazeb Orrelios and Ezra Bridger stole a TIE/ln space superiority starfighter from the Galactic Empire in Kothal.

Kothal hosted a grav-ball team called the Kothal Roughnecks, which played the AppSci SaberCats in a championship-deciding match during the Galactic Empire, when Zare Leonis was attending the Junior Academy of Applied Sciences.

The Rodian Tsoklo operated a fruit stall in Kothal and once sold imported meiloorun fruits to Imperials under the command of Supply Master Yogar Lyste.

Appearances: Rebels

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