Name: Kalani
Type: Baktoid Combat Automata ST-Series Tactical Droid
Degree: Fourth Degree
Class: Tactical Droid
Sensor Color: Orange
Plating Color: Green, with yellow markings (Earlier it was grey with yellow)
Gender: Masculine Programming
Personality Module: Complex
Blaster 4D+1
Vehicle Blasters 3D+1
Tactics 6D+1
Command 4D+2
Search 4D+1
Brawling 4D
Computer programming/repair 3D+1
Equipped With:
• Humanoid body (two arms, two legs, head)
• Two photoreceptors and audial sensors
• Heuristic processor
• Vocabulator
• Internal comlink
• Durasteel plating (+2D physical, +1D energy)
Special Abilities:
Equipment: Electrobinoculars, blaster carbine (5D, 3-20/60/210)
Move: 10
Height: 1.94m
Cost: 25,000
Availability: X, R
Background: In refusal of answering to an identification code, Kalani was the chosen name of an ST-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid of masculine programming who served as a general in the Separatist Droid Army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. In 20 BBY, Kalani was ordered to the planet Onderon by Separatist leader, Count Dooku, after being requested of reinforcements by the appointed king, Sanjay Rash, in order to aid in a planetary civil war against a resistance movement, which had threatened the Confederacy’s control over Onderon. However, after prolonged engagements and mounted losses of his forces, the super tactical droid assessed that the planet’s besiegement would require additional time and resources, which had little interest to Dooku. As a result, Kalani was instructed by the count to call for an immediate withdrawal of his remaining forces and equipment and retreat to the planet Agamar, where he was to await further deployment.
Retreating to Agamar, Kalani and his forces awaited further instructions from Dooku in orbit of the planet in a DH-Omni Support Vessel. However, as the war progressed near its closure, the super tactical droid’s ship was attacked by Galactic Republic forces, which resulted in the DH-Omni’s crash on the surface of the planet. When the war did reach its end, Kalani received the order, alongside the rest of the Separatist Droid Army, to deactivate his droid forces and himself as the war had ended, but the super tactical droid, who believed it to be a Republic trick, refused to follow the order. As a result, Kalani remained on the surface of Agamar for several years.
Seventeen years after the war’s end, Kalani and his still-active droid forces were encountered by a group of rebels who had traveled to Agamar in search of munitions for their fight against the Galactic Empire, the successor of the Republic. As a result, Kalani captured the rebels and forced them to engage in a coordinated battle simulation as a way to end the Clone Wars in the way he intended: a victory for the Separatist Alliance. However, amid their fighting, the Empire arrived on Agamar to destroy the assumed rebel forces on the planet, resulting in Kalani, his forces and the rebels joining forces to fight back and retreat from the planet. After the battle, Kalani, his droids and the rebels went their separate ways, with the super tactical droid assuming a small chance of the rebels staging a successful resistance against the Empire, and agreed that the Clone Wars was finally over.
Appearances: The Clone Wars