Type: Modified Corellia Mining Digger Crawler
Scale: Walker
Length: 120 meters long, 20 meters tall
Skill: Ground vehicle operation: sandcrawler
Crew: 50, skeleton: 3/+20
Crew Skill: Varies widely
Passengers: 1,500 (typically scavenged droids)
Cargo Capacity: 40 metric tons
Cover: Full
Cost: Not for sale
Maneuverability: 1D
Move: 10; 30 kmh
Body Strength: 3D
Background: Sandcrawlers, originally called digger crawlers, were huge mobile fortresses used by the Jawas as their transport and shelter in the deserts of Tatooine and Arvala-7. They were equipped with a magnetic suction tube for sucking droids and scrap into the cargo hold. They also contained cargo holds, scrap-processing facilities, and quarters for crew and passengers. They were large enough to fit an entire Jawa clan.