Name: Jalath
Planet: Lothal
Starport Type: Landing Field
Traffic: Light
Control: Imperial
Docking Areas: None
Docking Fee: None
Customs: Local
Law Enforcement: Moderate
Services: Fuel, Lodging, Foodstuffs
Population: 800
Points of Interest: Lothal Depot, Imperial Base
Background: Jalath was a city located on the planet of Lothal, in the Outer Rim region of the galaxy. Following its occupation of Lothal, the Galactic Empire established a small installation near Jalath. Four years before the Battle of Yavin, the rebel crew of the Ghost raided that Imperial installation. Jalath also hosted the Lothal Depot, which the Spectres raided a year later in order to “steal” three Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvette Princess Leia Organa was covertly delivering to the rebels of Phoenix Cell.
Appearances: Rebels