Name: Invisible Hand
Craft: Free Dac Volunteers/Pammant Docks Providence-class carrier/destroyer
Type: Carrier / Destroyer
Scale: Capital
Length: 1,088 meters
Skill: Capital ship piloting
Crew: 600, gunners: 329, skeleton: 200/+15
Crew Skill: Astrogation 5D, capital ship piloting 4D+1, capital ship gunnery 4D+1
Passengers: 1.5 million (deactivated battle droids, no more than 6,000 can be activated on-board at once)
Cargo Capacity: 50,000 metric tons, 160 MTTs and 280 assorted droid armored vehicles
Consumables: 4 years
Cost: Not available for sale (valued at 125 millions)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1.5
Hyperdrive Backup: x15
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D+1
Space: 8
Atmosphere: 365; 1,050 kmh
Hull: 6D
Shields: 3D+2
Passive: 30/1D+1
Scan: 60/2D+1
Search: 90/3D+2
Focus: 6/4D+2
14 Quad Turbolasers
Fire Arc: 4 front, 5 left, 5 right
Crew: 4
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 4D
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere Range: 6-30/70/150 km
Damage: 6D
34 Dual Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: 6 batteries turret, 2 batteries front, 4 batteries left,
4 batteries right, 1 battery rear
Crew: 2
Scale: Starfighter
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 4D
Space Range: 1-5/10/20
Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1/2 km
Damage: 5D
2 Heavy Ion Cannons (fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Crew: 3
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 4D
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere Range: 6-30/70/150 km
Damage: 4D
12 Point-Defense Ion Cannons
Fire Arc: 2 batteries left, 2 batteries right
Crew: 2
Scale: Starfighter
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 4D
Space Range: 1-5/10/20
Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1/2 km
Damage: 3D
8 Tractor Beam Projectors
Fire Arc: 4 left, 4 right
Crew: 3
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 1-5/15/30
Atmosphere Range: 2-10/30/60 km
Damage: 4D
102 Proton Torpedo Tubes (16 torpedoes each)
Fire Arc: Turret
Crew: 2
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 5-20/50/110
Atmosphere Range: 5-50/100/300 km
Damage: 9D
Starfighter Complement: 120 Tri-fighters, 120 “Vulture” droid starfighters
Background: The Invisible Hand was a modified Providence-class Dreadnought that served in the naval forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems as the flagship of the navy and the command ship of Kaleesh Separatist General Grievous during the Clone Wars. Manufactured by Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps and Pammant Docks as the first of its class, the dreadnought was initially used by the Trade Federation, where it belonged to Viceroy Nute Gunray, but was given to Grievous after demanding control over the vessel.
In 19 BBY, the Invisible Hand was used by Grievous in a decisive assault against the Galactic Republic’s capital planet Coruscant in an attempt to capture Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. However, during the battle, the ship was boarded by Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker in order to rescue the Chancellor. Amid the rescue, the Jedi, who had been brought to the bridge, managed to force the ship’s commander to flee the battle, which led to the Invisible Hand’s destruction as the vessel broke in two while the Jedi attempted to land the dreadnought on Coruscant’s surface.
Appearances: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars: The Bad Batch