Categories: Equipment

Imperial Field Armor

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Type: Army field armor
Scale: Character
Cost: Not available for sale
Availability: X
Game Notes: +1D physical and energy. Respirator mask protects against toxic substances.

Background: Imperial Army troopers were outfitted with a set of armor similar to that of the Imperial officer battle armor, with the addition of polarized goggles and respirator masks to filter out toxic substances. The set also featured shin guards and colored bicep bands that denoted the trooper’s position, with red indicating a soldier and white indicating a medic. Swamp troopers of the 224th Imperial Armored Division possessed waterproof capes in order to keep mud from gathering within the gaps of their armor. Within the Aldhani Garrison, troopers could forego the utilization of combat helmets in favor of an Imperial kepi.

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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