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Name: Hyne
Type: Pre-Mor Chief Inspector
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Gray
Eye Color: Blue
Skin: Light

Blaster: 3D+1
Dodge: 4D

Alien Species: 4D
Bureaucracy: 6D
Languages: 4D
Law Enforcement: 8D
Planetary Systems: 5D
Streetwise: 4D
Tactics: 4D

Communications: 4D
Republsorlift Operation: 3D
Sensors: 4D
Space Transports: 4D+2

Bargain: XD
Command: Pre-More Enforcement Officers 6D
Forgery: 4D
Investigation: 4D+2

Brawling: 3D

Computer Programming/Repair: 4D
Droid Programming / Repair: 4D
Security: 5D

Special Abilities:

Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 8
Move: 10

Equipment: Pre-Mor Uniform, datapad, comlink

Background: Hyne was a human male who served as a Chief Inspector in the Pre-Mor Enforcement Inspection team by 5 BBY. After the Pre-Mor sentry guards Kravas Drezzer and Verlo Skiff were killed, Deputy Inspector Syril Karn made a report on the matter for Hyne, wishing to pursue the matter further. The Chief Inspector, though, ordered for an accident to be conjured, acknowledging Drezzer and Skiff’s own offenses and wishing not to draw more attention from the Galactic Empire.

Karn, however, continued to pursue the case, leading a team to the planet Ferrix to apprehend Drezzer and Skiff’s killer, Cassian Andor. The mission was a failure and drew the Empire’s attention. Imperial Security Bureau Supervisor Blevin took to the incident and put the Morlani system under Imperial jurisdiction. He briefed Hyne, Karn and Sergeant Linus Mosk on their immediate departure to transfer centers and their responsibility for the Ferrix incident, turning down the Chief Inspector’s claim that he had no involvement.

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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PT White

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