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Name: Hugo Eckener
Type: Chief Architect
Species: Human
Homeworld: Naboo
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Gray
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 1.81 meters
Skin: Light

Dodge: 3D

Accounting: 4D
Artist: Architecture Design 8D
Bureaucracy: Naboo 6D
Business: 4D
Economics: 4D
Planetary Systems: 4D
Scholar: Architecture 10D
Value: 4D

Communications: 3D
Repulsorlift Operation: 3D
Sensors: 3D

Bargain: 4D
Hide: 4D
Search: 4D

Construction: 3D

(A) Civil/Industrial Engineering: 10D
Computer Programming/Repair: 4D
Equipment Repair: 4D
(A) Installation Engineering: 5D
Security: 4D

Special Abilities:

Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 8
Move: 10

Equipment: Datapad, comlink

Background: Hugo Eckener was a Chief Architect serving the Naboo Royal Advisory Council of Naboo. Eckener was tasked with protecting Naboo’s art and history, while continuing the civic expansion.

In 32 BBY Hugo Eckener was part of the reelected members of the Naboo Royal Advisory Council, headed by Sio Bibble. Like all other members, Eckener maintained a good relationship with the other representatives of the Naboo government.

As Chief Architect of Naboo, Eckener was greatly appreciated. The Naboo appreciated art and architecture and found the architecture of their citiese and buildings very important. Before stepping into politics, Eckener was already an established architect. Along with architecture, Eckener represented all professions having to do with Naboo’s infrastructure, such as construction workers, traders and contractors. Eckener was also responsible for new construction projects in Theed. He had to take into account that these new buildings would fit perfectly into the urban landscape, without standing out.

As a member of the Royal Advisory Council, Eckener worked hard for better flights, roads and communication between the different sites on Naboo, where he also managed. In 32 BBY the planet fell into hard times with the Trade Federation’s invasion and blockade of the planet. Eckener was in the Theed throne room when communication with then-Senator Palpatine was disrupted. While going to ask Padmé Amidala for help on Coruscant, Eckener, along with the people of Theed, were captured and put in the Trade Federation’s prisoner of war camps. When the Trade Federation was defeated, Eckener regained his position as Chief Architect of Naboo.

By the time of the Galactic Civil War, Hugo Eckener had eventually retired from his position. After the Battle of Yavin, his son Karl ran up huge gambling debts to both the Skaak Tippers and the Darkwalker criminal groups. Karl Eckener was finally kidnapped and Hugo was forced to pay his son’s debts off by sustaining spacers working for them. Skaak Tipper Toff Henrou and Darkwalker Jorgellansel blackmailed Eckener to make him attack each other. Nevertheless, Karl Eckener was never freed by the criminals. Hugo Eckener was forced to request RSF agents to liberate his son by force.

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