Name: HM-7
Type: Pack Droid
Degree: Fifth Degree
Class: Cargo Droid
Sensor Color: Gold
Plating Color: Gray
Gender: Masculine Programming
Personality Module: Simple


Stamina: 3D

Equipped With:

  • Head, Four Legs
  • Single head-mounted photoreceptor
  • Cargo Pod

Special Abilities:

Move: 5
Height: 1 meter
Cost: 500 credits
Availability: 1, 2

Background: HM-7 was pack droid owned by the human farmer Roog on the planet Omaka. HM-7 was quadrupedal with an octagonal bin on his back. He spoke binary and had a yellow sensor.

Around 232 BBY, on Dunkutu Day, HM-7 traveled with Roog’s granddaughter Fiorna to a patch of wild gomgourds growing on a mountain path. Unbeknownst to the droid and the girl, the gourds served as a key food source for a flock of kroop birds nesting upon the same path. Upon returning to the village, the flock of kroop birds, intent on recovering gomgourds stolen from their home, arrived to the town, causing significant damage to the Dunkutu Day preparations and leaving them with no gomgourds. HM-7 subsequently joined Fiorna and the Pooba Jedi Initiate Nubs to the forest to collect wild bofa fruit. Despite HM-7’s basket being full of bofa fruit, Fiorna returned to the mountain to pick more wild gomgourds. Part-way up the windy path, the cliffside beneath HM-7 gave way, causing him to fall off the side of the mountain, dropping his load of bofa fruit. He was caught by Nubs’s Force-powered telekinesis, allowing Fiorna and the Pooba to hoist him back onto the path.

Concerned about the whereabouts of the younglings and HM-7, Roog, his son Tey, and Nubs’s Jedi friends headed to the forest, where HM-7’s footprints led them to the mountain. Meanwhile, Fiorna and Nubs tossed more wild gomgourds onto HM-7 before they were ambushed by the kroop birds. HM-7 attempted to defend Fiorna and Nubs from the birds, but to no avail. Nubs soon realized the birds only wanted to protect their food, and the youths formed a friendship with the avian creatures.

Appearances: Young Jedi Adventures