Name: Glee Anselm
Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)
Hydrosphere: Saturated
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Jungles, Grassy fields, Mountains, Oceans
Length of Day: 21 Standard Hours
Length of Year: 398 Local Days
Sapient Species: Anselmi, Nautolan, Human
Starport: Imperial
Population: 11 Billion
Planet Function: Homeworld
Government: Republic council
Tech Level: Space
Trade Routes: Namadii Corridor
Major Exports: High Tech, Seafood, Starships, Weapons
Major Imports: Foodstuffs, Medicine, Technology
Points of Interest: District 74
Fauna: Hammerfish, Lizard-gull, Sandmoth, Whales, Wooriid
Flora: Trees
System Data
Region: Mid Rim Territories
Sector: Jalor Sector
System Name: Jalor system
Star Name: —-
Star Type: —-
Background: Glee Anselm was an ocean planet located in the Jalor system of the galaxy’s Mid Rim that was the homeworld of the Anselmi and Nautolan species. Star Tours, a tour company, offered vacation tours of Glee Anselm during the Clone Wars. During the reign of the Galactic Empire, senators representing the planet in the Imperial Senate were fiercely loyal to the Empire. Glee Anselm was also the homeworld of the criminal Tobias Beckett and the Jedi Master Kit Fisto.