Categories: Droids


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Name: GL-916
Type: Vender Droid
Degree: Third Degree
Class: Protocol Droid
Sensor Color: Yellow
Plating Color: Green
Gender: Masculine Programming
Personality Module: Advanced


Alien Species: 3D
Business: 4D+1
Cultures: 4D+1
Languages: 6D
Value: 4D


Bargain: 4D



Equipped With:

• Humanoid Body (two arms, two legs, head)
• Two visual and two auditory sensors – human range
• Vocabulator speech/ sound system
• VerboBrain
• TranLang Communications module with over half a million languages.

Special Abilities:

Move: 8
Height: 1.7 meters
Cost: 1200 credits
Availability: 1

Background: GL-916 was a vendor droid on Coruscant. The droid sold various wares at a stand. He boasted the qualities of his products and was willing to reduce prices for the cost-conscious customer.

When R2-D2 asked GL-916 about the missing C-3PO, he replied that he knew nothing of his whereabouts and proceed to attempt to sell his merchandise to R2-D2.

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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