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Name: Gar Saxon (as of The Clone Wars)
Type: Death Watch Warrior
Species: Mandalorian
Homeworld: Mandalore
Gender: Male
Died: 2 BBY (998 GC)
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Gray
Height: 1.89m
Skin: Light

Blaster: 6D+1
Brawling Parry: 5D+1
Dodge: 6D+2
Grenade: 6D
Melee Combat: 6D+2
Melee Parry: 6D+2
Thrown Weapons: 5D+1
Vehicle Weapons: 6D+1

Alien Species: 5D+1
Cultures: Mandalorian 4D+1
Intimidation: 5D+2
Languages: 4D+1
Streetwise: 6D+1
Survival: 5D+1

Beast Riding: 3D+2
Repulsorlift Operation: 4D+2
Space Transports: 4D+2
Starfighter Piloting: 4D+2
Starship Gunnery: 4D+1
Starship Shields: 3D+2

Con: 6D
Gambling: 4D+1
Hide: 5D+2
Search: 5D+2
Sneak: 6D

Brawling: 6D+1
Climbing/Jumping :5D+1
Lifting: 4D+1
Stamina: 5D
Swimming: 3D+2

Armor Repair: 4D+2
Blaster Repair: 4D+1
Computer Programming/Repair: 4D+1
Demolitions: 6D
Repulsorlift Repair: 4D
Security: 5D
Space Transport Repair: 4D
Starfighter Repair: 4D

Special Abilities:
Resistant to Force Use: Mandalorians and Mandalorian Foundlings are immune to some of the effects of the Force, and their minds cannot be read using the force or modified using the force. However, precognition abilities such as Light Saber Combat work perfectly well.
Inability to use the Force: The Mandalorians have a genetic defect inherited from their ancestors and compounded by the small gene pool that they have grown from. They cannot use the force. Not only does this mean that they cannot become Jedi, but they cannot earn or spend Force Points (they will always have only one Force Point).
Genetically Superior: Due to the harsh circumstances the Mandalorian people grew from, they are much hardier people than most species in the galaxy. While the Mandalorians like to see this as Genetic Superiority, it is perhaps more linked to their inability to use force, so they have had to rely on themselves more.

Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 2
Dark Side Points: 8
Character Points: 18
Move: 10

Equipment: Blaster rifle (5D+1), Death Watch Beskar Armor (+2D physical, +2D energy, no DEX penalties, +1D to search and ranged attacks over 50 meters), Galar-90 rifle (5D) , knife (STR+1D; Max: 6D)

Gar Saxon’s Armor
Model: Death Watch Beskar Armor
Type: Personal Battle Armor
Cost: Not Available For Sale
Availability: Unique
Game Effects:
• Basic Suit: +2D physical, +2D energy, no DEX penalties. Head, torso and arms
• Wrist Lasers: 5D damage, 3-5/20/35m range. Both forearms. Armor Weapons skill
• Flame Projector: 5D damage, 1m diameter, 1-5m long. Left forearm. Armor Weapons skill.
• IR/motion Sensor: +1D PERC in darkness and/or against moving targets, ahead and to both sides.
• Sensor Pod: +2D Search, 50-100m
• Macrobinoculars: +2D Search, 100-300m
• Jetpack: 70m horizontal, 50m vertical range. Has 10 charges, may expend one charge every other round. (Deleted from suits worn by ships’ command crew.)
• Environmental Filter: Blocks most harmful molecules in the atmosphere, or seal with 30 minutes air.
• Long Range Broadband Antenna: Can intercept and decode most communications frequencies. Can patch into shipboard and vehicular communications systems. (+1D to search and ranged attacks over 50 meters)
• Magnetized Boots: The user can walk on metal surfaces, even in zero gravity.

Background: Gar Saxon was a Mandalorian human male who served as a commander of the Mandalorian super commandos in Maul’s Shadow Collective during the Clone Wars and later as Imperial Viceroy and Governor of his homeworld of Mandalore during the reign of the Galactic Empire.

During the Clone Wars, Saxon was one member of the two-man extraction team that rescued Maul from the Spire on Stygeon Prime and later commanded Maul’s ground forces during General Grievous’ invasion of the Collective base on Ord Mantell. He was also present during the Siege of Mandalore, commanding Maul’s forces along with Rook Kast during the invasion, where during the siege, he was responsible for executing the Mandalorian Prime Minister Almec on Maul’s orders. After the rise of the Empire, Saxon served as an Emperor’s Hand to Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine and was the leader of the Imperial Super Commandos until his death on Krownest in 2 BBY.

Appearances: The Clone Wars, Rebels

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