Force Power: Force Shield
Sense Difficulty: Difficult
Alter Difficulty: Very Difficult

This power may be kept up.

Required Powers: Absorb/dissipate energy, concentration, magnify senses, telekinesis, lesser force shield
Effect: When a Jedi successfully activates this power, he creates a protective shield around his body. This shield is effective against both energy and physical attacks. The strength of the shield is equal the character’s alter roll divided by three, rounded down. For example, if the Jedi has 9D in alter, he may add 3D to his Strength roll to resist damage. If the Jedi exceeds the alter difficulty by +10, he may extend the greater force shield to another character if he has direct contact with that character.

Background: Force Shield or Force barrier was both an offensive and defensive Force power, aligned neither with the light or dark sides of the Force, that created a barrier or wall of Force energy around the intended target, be it self, friend, or foe.

Force barrier was a very basic application of the Force. Depending on the individual, it manifested itself differently, appearing as a shimmering, stasis field of Force energy, or sometimes not “appearing” at all. In combat, these barriers were capable of absorbing a wide variety of physical and energy attacks. Force shields were only used as defense and couldn’t be used as a ‘wall’. Depending on the strength of the individual, the shield could only withstand a few attacks before collapsing. There have been some cases where a barrier has repelled high and low pitched sound. Obi-Wan Kenobi used this technique when a bounty hunter was firing at him with a sonic boom grenade launcher.