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Force Power: Force Body
Control Difficulty: Difficult
Required Powers: Concentration, control pain, reduce injury, remain conscious.
Time to Use: Text
Effect: This power allows the Jedi to push his or her body’s endurance beyond a safe limit to maintain his or her connection to the Force, but in doing so places the user’s health and well-being in jeopardy. When activating this power, the Jedi must make a stamina roll to determine if his or her body can handle the strain. If successful, the Jedi will receive a temporary bonus to all Force skills. Otherwise, the power backfires on the Jedi, resulting in the Jedi being injured to some degree. The GM must consult the following tables to determine the effect of this power, the stamina difficulty, and the wound status.

Roll ≥ difficulty by:BonusDurationStamina check
0-7+14 RoundsModerate
8-13+23 RoundsDifficult
14-20+1D2 RoundsVery Difficult
21++1D+11 RoundHeroic
Stamina check ≥ roll by:Wound level
6-10Wounded twice
16-20Mortally wounded

Game Note: For each round the power is active, the Jedi must make the required stamina check. Should the Jedi fail to make the required roll, the power ends immediately, and the Jedi suffers the damage listed.

Regardless of the stamina check, once the power ends, the Jedi automatically gains the wounded status. Though the power isn’t required, since crucitorn is more powerful than control pain, should the Jedi know crucitorn, the Jedi receives a +5 bonus to the control roll.

Background: The extremely rare ability of Force Body was a healing ability that allows the Jedi to push his or her body’s endurance beyond a safe limit to maintain his or her connection to the Force. However, it places the user’s health and well-being in jeopardy. This ability can only be used by the very best master healers in the Jedi Order.

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