Species: Flitterpod
Planet of Origin: Tenoo
Special Abilities:
Great Leap: Flitterpod can leap for short distances to escape predators or to leap over objects. Flitterpods would use this ability to maneuver up the many waterfalls of Tenoo
Move: 8
Size: 0.5 m
Orneriness: 1D
Background: Flitterpods were fish found in the river of the forest planet Tenoo. They had black eyes, purple skin with stripes, a large pink-purple fin on their backs, and a thrice-forked tail. In 232 BBY, the Jedi younglings Kai Brightstar and Lys Solay traveled down the river on a speeder alongside a group of flitterpods. Solay, who had heard of the creatures but was unaware that they lived in the area, became distracted while observing them leap in and out of the water, and she narrowly avoided crashing into a tree root thanks to a warning from Brightstar.
Appearances: Young Jedi Adventures