Saturday, July 6, 2024


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Species: Exogorth
Type: Vacuum Predator
Planet of Origin: Unknown


Game Note: For a 6-meter-long and 900-meter-long slug, respectively, Strength and speed vary dramatically by the length of the slug; extremely large slugs are in the starfighter or capital class.

Special Abilities:
Vacuum: Space slugs are native to the vacuum of space and can survive in this environment without assistance.
Teeth: Do STR+1D damage.

Move: 6-100 (See Game Note)
Size: 1-900 meters long.
Scale: Creature – Capital (See Game Note)

Background: Exogorths, also known as space slugs, were members of a silicon-based sentient species that resided in the hollows of asteroids and prided themselves on maintaining a pleasant ecosystem within their bodies. Exogorths are known to reach full maturity at a length of ten meters and reproduce by splitting into two smaller, separate bodies. If they are incapable of this process, they continue growing uninterrupted and can reach lengths up to 900 meters. Such large slugs can swallow entire starships and support entire ecosystems among their gut flora.

Space slugs prefer to live in asteroid fields and often burrow into an asteroid until they are entirely hidden. They feed on various sources, including stellar energy emissions, mineral-rich deposits from the asteroid, floating space debris, and possibly other silicon-based creatures such as mynocks. While largely dormant, space slugs are opportunistic feeders that lie in wait for sources of sustenance. They rest with their gaping mouths disguised as craters or tunnels to trap unsuspecting victims. They can lung from the asteroid’s surface when not resting to attack passing ships. However, this method is not their preferred attack mode as it can be physically demanding, leaving them exhausted for some time.

Space slugs are known for their incredibly long lives. Sy-O, a creature that lived in the Hoth asteroid belt, was estimated to be over a billion years old during the Galactic Civil War, yet it was still considered young.

Exogorths, the species of space slug that Sy-O belonged to, have red flesh, blood, and green saliva, and their mouths contain 45 teeth. They are a peaceful and patient species that take pride in creating stable ecosystems within their bodies, home to countless species that coexist peacefully. Exogorths that host diverse life forms in their gut ecosystems are highly respected. However, those whose ecosystems lack variety or only contain non-sentient “lower” life forms, such as mynocks like Sy-O, are looked down upon even by their parents. To not host anything of a higher sentience or galactic importance is considered “lacking” and projects a poor self-image.

Appearances: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Young Jedi Adventures

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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