Craft: Malastare Corp DD1 Mobile Rail Gun
Type: Tracked heavy artillery
Scale: Speeder
Length: 14.8 meters
Skill: Ground vehicle operation: Dug rail gun
Crew: 1 driver/gunner
Crew: Vehicle weapons 4D, ground vehicle operation 4D, sensors 2D+2, ground vehicle repair 2D+2
Passengers: None
Cargo Capacity: None
Cover: Full
Cost: Not available for sale
Availability: R or X
Maneuverability: 0D
Move: 25; 70 kmh
Body Strength: 4D
Rail Gun
Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Walker
Skill: Vehicle weapons
Ammo: None (requires loader vehicle)
Fire Rate: 1
Fire Control: 1D
Range: 100-400/2/4 km
Blast Radius: 5 meters
Damage: 7D
Background: A Dug artillery piece, equipped with treads for movement, its launching system could be positioned at different angles to fire both upwards and downwards, depending on the target’s position. A Dug debris loader would place an explosive charge on the weapon’s launch rail, which hurls towards its target. An enclosed cockpit was located at the front of the vehicle for the driver/gunner.