Type: Colicoid Creation Nest Droideka Sharpshooter
Degree: Fourth Degree
Class: Destroyer Droid
Sensor Color: Red
Plating Color: Bronze
Gender: None
Personality Module: None
Blaster: Blaster Rifle 6D
Search: 4D+2
Sneak: 3D+2
Brawling: 4D+2
Equipped With:
• Body Armor (+1D Physical, +2 Energy)
• Shield Generator
• Two visual and two auditory sensors – Infra Red Vision (+2D to search, reduces low light penalties by 2D)
• Remote Receiver (5K Range)
• Integrated Comlink
Special Abilities:
Shields: Destroyer droids are equipped with a shield rated at 2D
Wheel-Mode Armor: While in wheel-mode Droideka have Body Armor giving
them +2D to their Strength when resisting damage
Equipment: Sniper Blaster Rifle (6D, Fire Rate 1), Shield Generator (2D), Body Armor (+2D)
Move: 7 Walking, 12 Wheel Mode
Height: 1.83m
Cost: 5,565 credits
Availability: 4, X
Background: Droideka Sharpshooters were a 1.87 meter variation the Colicoid Creation Nest manufactured droideka. The droid was armored with a shield that protected the droid from blaster fire, but left them open to attacks from either side, as they lacked the shield projector of other droideka models. They could roll into position and could be used to take the enemy by surprise, and they were best placed in sheltered positions, where they could eliminate targets from long ranges.
When placed strategically, the droideka was capable of eliminating important targets such as Jedi, and their accuracy was far more superior to that of standard droidekas, as well as their single, high-powered rifle which could pierce through multiple targets in a single shot.
However, despite their effectiveness as a sniper, the Confederacy of Independent Systems made less use of the Droideka Sharpshooter than alternative droidekas. This was largely due to the droid’s limited versatility and that their use required more careful planning than other models.
Appearances: The Clone Wars