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Name: Deltooine
Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)
Hydrosphere: Moderate
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Cities, Forests, Gardens, Jungles, Mountains, Oceans, Rivers
Length of Day: 23 Standard Hours
Length of Year: 344 Local Days
Sapient Species: Various
Starport: Stellar Class
Population: 650,000
Planet Function: Military, Trading Post
Government: Corporate Sector Authority
Tech Level: Space
Trade Routes: 
Major Exports: Military Hardware
Major Imports: Low Tech
Settlements: Small settlements
Points of Interest: 
Flora: —
Fauna: —

System Data

Region: Outer Rim Territories
Sector: Corporate Sector
System Name: Deltooine system
Star Name: Deltooine
Star Type: Yellow

Background: Deltooine was a world in the Corporate Sector. It was home to a Corporate Sector Authority military base used to monitor Farana and Wild Space. It was part of the Tertiary Solenbaran hyperlane.

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