Name: Davirien
Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)
Hydrosphere: Moist
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Jungle, Rivers, Mountains, Urban
Length of Day: 29 Standard Hours
Length of Year: 322 Local Days
Sapient Species: Humans
Starport: Steller
Population: 3 Million
Planet Function: Research
Government: Corporate Sector Authority
Tech Level: Space
Trade Routes: —
Major Exports: —
Major Imports: Foodstuffs, Light Tech
Settlements: —
Points of Interest: —
Flora: —
Fauna: —
System Data
Region: Outer Rim Territories
Sector: Corporate Sector
System Name: Davirien System
Star Name: Davirien
Star Type: Orange
Background: Davirien was a jungle planet in the Corporate Sector owned by the Chiewab Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals Company. Chiewab used the planet for research and permitted the Galactic Empire to use the planet for training missions.