Model: Cloning Tank
Type: Cloning tank
Skill: Genetic Engineering (A)
Cost: 50,000 (empty), (150 per liter of Cloning Fluid, tank holds 300 liters)
Availability: 3, R (or X depending on Era)
Time Taken: 1 year to decant, 10 years to full maturity.
Game Notes: Operating a cloning tank is not too difficult, but knowing what exactly what you are doing is specialized knowledge, The skill (A) Genetic Engineering is needed to use a cloning tank. If a character has access to a clone tank they may attempt to use it. Kamino cloning cylinders provide a +1D bonus to all Genetic Engineering rolls made while using this model of cloning cylinder.
Background: Cloning tanks were used by cloners to develop and provide life support to clones. Clones were stored in cloning tanks until they reached the desired state of development. Growth jars were a type of cloning tank.