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Species: Charon Bioscientists
Home Planet: Unidentified planet in Otherspace & Kayri III

Attribute Dice: 16D

Special Abilities:
Spinnerets: The Charon possess spinnerets which allow them to produce sticky silk fibers in which they can trap their opponents (web Strength 3D+1).

Claws: The two larger of the Charon’s four arms end in heavy claws which are capable of doing STR+1D+2 damage.

Poison: Targets taking non-stun damage from poisoned claw make a moderate stamina roll. Failure roll means target takes an additional wound. A Charon must spend a one round secreting poison.

Darkvision: Charon can see in the infrared spectrum, allowing them to see in complete darkness provided there are heat sources. They suffer no penalties in darkness.

Special Skills:
Technology: Bio-construct-repair (A)

Knowledge: (A) Bio-Engineering – This skill allows a Charon bioscientist to create mobile, thinking biological constructs which lack the blasphemous free will and variability of life forms.

Known Charon Bioconstructions: Death Mist, Gatebeast, Weaver, Shootcrawlers, Jumpers, cathorn beast, Charon Starfighters, & Charon Capital Ships

Story Factors:
Void Death Cult: The Charon pursue death with a religious fervor and consider all living beings – including themselves – to be aberrations and will stop at nothing to bring them nearer to death.

Move: 10/12
Size: Average 2.1 Meters Tall.

Species: Charon Warrior (Immature)
Home Planet: Unidentified planet in Otherspace & Kayri III

Attribute Dice: 16D

Special Abilities:
Spinnerets: The Charon possess spinnerets which allow them to produce sticky silk fibers in which they can trap their opponents (web Strength 3D+1).

Claws: The two larger of the Charon’s four arms end in heavy claws which are capable of doing STR+1D+2 damage.

Poison: Targets taking non-stun damage from poisoned claw make a moderate stamina roll. Failure roll means target takes an additional wound. A Charon must spend a one round secreting poison.

Darkvision: Charon can see in the infrared spectrum, allowing them to see in complete darkness provided there are heat sources. They suffer no penalties in darkness.

Story Factors:
Void Death Cult: The Charon pursue death with a religious fervor and consider all living beings – including themselves – to be aberrations and will stop at nothing to bring them nearer to death.

Move: 10/12
Size: 2.3-2.5 meters tall

Background: Charon were a sentient species with both humanoid and arachnid features. They had four arms, two of which were extremely powerful, and four legs, which made them very stable on their feet. Originally from a realm known as realspace, the Charon moved to a cold, bleak planet located in otherspace, a pocket dimension made up of black holes beyond the known confines of the galaxy. Charon were known for their violent, emotionless nature.

Prior to the rise of the New Jedi Order, Charon were confined to otherspace, where most Charon followed a cult which held the existence of all life, even their own species, to be an abomination. Their contact with the civilizations of the galaxy was limited, but it was enough to make them objects of horror.

Shortly after the destruction of the second Death Star in 4 ABY, a splinter group of Charon devoted to maintaining peace and setting up new communities successfully constructed the species’ first hyperdrive and departed otherspace, with many Charon taking up positions as bioscientists, developing bio-organic technology similar to that of the Yuuzhan Vong.

Averaging between two to two and a quarter meters tall, Charon resembled a biological cross between humanoids and arachnids. They had thin bodies, encased by a thick mottled carapace, with distinctly arachnoid features, such as spinnerets in the abdomen, as well as multiple limbs. They had four thin arms with triple-clawed hands, and four hairy, insectoid legs, with large clawed feet. Their uppermost pair of arms was slightly larger than the other pair, and was used for holding weapons, and although Charon could hold objects in any of their four clawed hands, they only had one pair of primary hands. Their multiple limbs had several advantages; Charon were exceptional climbers and extremely stable on their feet, and the claws on both their hands and feet made deadly weapons capable of damaging almost any material. A powerful species, they were able to lift objects which were far too heavy for most other species.

Charon had mandibular chelicerae at the sides of their small mouths and bulging, slit-pupil eyes. They often wore clothing from the waist up, though not always. Because of their large size, Charon found it difficult to hide, although they could move slightly faster than most other species.

Charon had a large trailing abdomen, capable of spinning strands of sticky webbing, which could be organized into latticework structures that allowed Charon to climb from place to place. They could shoot webs several times a day; the stronger the individual Charon, the more times it could spin. They were able to attack an enemy over ten meters away with a strand of webbing, entangling them, or spin a web about two meters around them in all directions. Although it could be broken by blunt objects, blasters and lightsabers were the most effective weapons against a Charon’s webbing.

Charon had shorter lifespans than most sentient species in the known galaxy, growing rapidly in the first half dozen standard years of their lives. Considered younglings until they were four standard years old, Charon became adults at six standard years. When they reached thirty-four years, they were regarded as middle-aged, while those between fifty-six and sixty-four were thought to be old. A Charon who lived for more than sixty-five years was considered venerable.

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