Species: Cave Sketto
Type: Flying Pest
Planet of Origin: Tatooine
Sneak 2D+1
Brawling: Bite 3D
Special Abilities:
Bite: Does STR+1D+2 damage and injects silica into the victim’s bloodstream, causing lethargy for the next 24 hours, resulting in a -1D penalty on all skill rolls and a -2D penalty to all Dexterity rolls.
Night Vision: Cave Sketto have extremely good night vision and receives +2D bonus to all Perception tasks undertaken in low light conditions.
Swarm: Treat the entire swarm as a single creature. All damage done to the swarm is reduced by 15 points before being applied. When reduced to Incapacitated (or worse), the swarm will retreat.
Move: 5 (Flying 8)
Size: 1 meter long
Background: Cave skettos, or simply skettos, were a species of non-sentient, ferocious flying pests found on the desert planet of Tatooine. Capable of growing up to one meter, they boasted four powerful legs, a prehensile tail, four wings, a mouth full of fangs, and eyes that provided excellent night vision. They spent the daytime sheltering from Tatooine’s twin suns before emerging in swarms at night to feed on smaller airborne critters and suck the blood of larger sleeping animals.
At least one group of cave skettos inhabited Tatooine’s Laguna Caves in 32 BBY, and during the Boonta Eve Classic podrace, the creatures fled from one of the cave exits to escape an explosion caused by the podracer Ratts Tyerell crashing his podracer into a pillar of stone.
Around 34 ABY, a stuffed sketto specimen was kept by Dok-Ondar at his store on Batuu, which he obtained from a bounty hunter.