Pod-wagons are large storage containers that have a built-in repulsorlift generator. In 232 BBY, farmers on Tenoo used pod-wagons to haul farming equipment to new fields on the planet's frontier.
Category: Vehicles
Mobile Mining Platform
Large mobile mining platforms were used throughout the galaxy for the mining of various ores. In 18 BBY the Empire was using these platforms at Imperial Labor Camps.
HCVw A9 Turbo Tank
The HCVw A9 turbo tank was a model of large, ten-wheeled tank used by the Galactic Empire. Part of Kuat Drive Yards' line of armored, wheeled combat vehicles, it acted as a troop carrier and transport.
In 18 BBY, Fennec Shand rented a skiff boat to navigate the waters of an unidentified swamp planet in search of the bounty hunter Sylar Saris.
Raxlo’s Harvester
A harvester was owned by the Gozzo businessman Raxlo during the High Republic Era. The harvester had a detachable shuttle to escape.
Gungan catapult
Gungan catapults were mobile weapons used by the Gungans in the Battle of Naboo against invading Trade Federation droids.
A-A5 Armored Speedertruck
The A-A5 Speeder Truck was a type of speeder truck created for civilian use but was retrofitted by the Alliance to Restore the Republic for use in the Galactic Civil War against the Galactic Empire.