R3-M2 was an R3-series astromech droid that served the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
Category: Droids
R5-K6 was an R5 unit that served in the Alliance to Restore the Republic's Red Squadron during the Galactic Civil War against the Galactic Empire.
KMD-RA-71 was an RA-7 protocol droid who served the Galactic Empire and spent time on the moon Jedha in 1 BBY.
D4-R4B, also known as "Arforb," was a grouchy R4 astromech droid that served in the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
G2-1B7 was a 2-1B-series medical droid that belonged to Saw Gerrera, leader of the rebel Partisans.
LIN Demolitionmech Autonomous Minelayer
The LIN demolitionmech autonomous minelayer, also known more simply as just the LIN demolitionmech or LIN mining droid, was a model of dome-shaped mining droid designed and manufactured by Cybot Galactica to plant explosives to blast away rocks and debris.
The RA-7 protocol droid 4D6-J-A7 served the Galactic Empire's Imperial Intelligence and Imperial Security Bureau as an administrative assistant during the Age of the Empire.
R-3X, also known as Rex, and formerly known as RX-24, was an RX-Series pilot droid who flew a Star Commuter 2000 from Lothal to Garel five years before the Battle of Yavin.