The Detainer CC-2200 was a model of Interdictor cruiser used by the Galactic Empire's Imperial Navy.
Category: Capital Ships
Longhorn-Class Cruiser
The Longhorn-class Escort cruiser is a compact 320-meter-long starship originally produced by Kuat Drive Yards.
Valiant-Class Star Destroyer
The Valiant-class Star Destroyer, often called the Valiant-class Cruiser, was a Star Destroyer manufactured by Cybe Drives primarily for the Galactic Republic.
New Republic MC30c Frigate
The MC30c frigate was a class of Mon Calamari-designed warship, utilized by the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War and the New Republic after the conflict concluded.
Eye of Sion
The Eye of Sion was a large starship constructed by remnants of the Galactic Empire under the supervision of the witch Morgan Elsbeth, intending to reach and rescue Grand Admiral-in-exile Mitth'raw'nuruodo from another galaxy.
The Shieldship was a starship designed to protect ships while traveling to the planet Nkllon in the Athega system from Athega's superhot star. It was so hot that the dark side of Nkllon was the only habitable half of the earth though it was rich in mineral resources.
Marauder-class Corvette
The Marauder-class Assault Corvette was small and agile and initially slated for the Republic Navy but was sold to the Corporate Sector Authority. It was armed with eight light double turbolasers and had a complement of embarked craft. By the Imperial Era it saw widespread use in legitimate and criminal enterprises throughout the Outer Rim Territories.
IPV-1 System Patrol Craft
The IPV-1 System Patrol Craft, the Imperial patrol vessel, Imperial patrol vehicle, or IPV-1-class corvette, was a standard system security and customs vessel commonly used near planets to prevent smugglers and protect against piracy. Republic Sienar Systems produced it.
Nova-class Battlecruiser
The Nova-class battle cruiser was a capital ship that formed a large portion of the Hapan fleet. The Hapes Consortium had several different warships at its disposal.
Hapan Battle Dragon
The Hapan Battle Dragons were the premier warships used by the Hapes Consortium.