Categories: Force Powers

Botanical Telepathy

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Force Power: Botanical Telepathy
Sense Difficulty: Easy for ordinary plants, Very Easy for Force-sensitive plants, Moderate for semi-sentient or sentient plant.
Required Powers: Sense Force
Time to Use: 1 Round
Effect: An exceedingly rare power exhibited by only a few Jedi, this power allows the user to sense the internal hum of vegetative life forces, thereby discerning the general emotional state of the plant in question.

This power also has another even rarer application. This power allows the user to communicate telepathically with plant life; however, for this to be possible, the plant life must also be Force-sensitive. The Force-sensitivity possessed by the plant life enables the user to establish a bond with the plant in question, which decreases the Difficulty roll in this case. One of the most Force-sensitive plants in the galaxy is the Murakami orchid.

The user can also use this power to communicate telepathically with sentient plant races like the Neti and semi-sentient plants in lieu of perfect telepathy, projective telepathy, and receptive telepathy. However, when using this power in this capacity, the user can hold a normal conversation with the recipient rather than being limited to conveying feelings, emotions, or brief sentences.

Background: A key power for those in the Jedi Agricultural Corps during the Old Republic, Botanical Telepathy gave the force user the ability to communicate with plants and plant species. The Jedi Hestizo Trace used this to talk to the Murakami orchid in 3645 BBY

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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