Categories: Aliens


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Species: Bitthaevrians
Home Planet: Guiteica

Attribute Dice: 12D

Special Abilities:
Vision: Bitthaevrians can see infrared radiation, giving them the ability to see in complete darkness, provided there are heat differentials in the environment.

Natural Body Armor: The thick hide of the Bitthaevrians give them a +2 bonus against physical attacks.

Fangs: The Bitthaevrians’ row of six teeth include six pairs of long fangs which do STR+2 damage.

Quills: The quills of a Bitthaevrians’ arms and legs do STR+1D+2 when brawling.

Story Factors:
Isolation: A Bitthaevrian is seldom encountered off of Guiteica. The species generally holds the rest of the galaxy in low opinion, and individuals almost never venture beyond their homeworld.

Move: 9/12
Size: 1.7-2.2 meters tall

Background: The Bitthævrians were warlike, bipedal sapients native to Guiteica, in the Kadok Regions. The Bitthævrians were tall creatures with heavily muscled bodies. They had a leather-like skin protecting them from physical damage. The color of that hide was typically sandy pink or a rusty brown, but variations were wide, including tan-colored Bitthævrians living in equatorial areas and dark brown or black Bitthævrians living in the north. The species also had a row of six sharp fang-like teeth, similar to those of the aquatic frist shark from Trandosha, which jutted from their mouths. These fangs were used in personal combat.

The knees and elbows of Bitthævrians were covered with sharp quills used in personal combat as piercing weapons. The quills were not particularly hard, and they were often broken or lost, but they were constantly replaced. As the Bitthævrian aged, those quills became more resilient and larger.

Bitthævrians’ vision ranged into the infrared, allowing them to see heat sources (such as living beings or recently fired sidearms) in complete darkness.

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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