Species: Bilar
Home Planet: Mima II
Attribute Dice: 4D (distributed between Dexterity and Strength) plus claqa dice
Special Abilities:
Group Mind: The group mind of the claqa only functions when every member can view at least one other member. When claqas are separated, the mental abilities of the Bilar decrease accordingly. The abilities of the group mind depend upon the size of the claqa. The “Attribute Dice” is the total number of dice that must be split among the four mental abilities, while the “Attribute Maximum” is the maximum possible for any of those four attributes.
Number In Claqa Attribute Dice Attribute Maximum
1 – 0 0D
2 – 4 pips +2
3 – 4D 1D
4 – 8D 2D
5 -10D 3D
6 – 12D 4D
7 – 16D 5D
8 – 18D 5D
9 – 20D 6D
10 – 24D 7D
Intimidation: Individual beings find the group mind of the Bilar to be intimidating, so claqas receive a +1D bonus to opposed Perception tasks when their opponent is an individual and the claqa is collected together.
Hearing: The Bilars can hear a wider range of wavelengths than can most species, giving them a +1D bonus to Perception tasks involving hearing.
Infrared Sight: The vision of the Bilars ranges from infrared to yellow, giving them a +1D bonus to visual Perception tasks performed in full to near darkness, and a -1D penalty to visual Perception tasks performed in full light.
Story Factors:
Group Mind: Other beings are often intimidated by the group mind of the Bilar, resulting in a wide range of reactions, ranging from simple discrimination to extreme hatred. Also, if a single member of a claqa is killed, the entire group mind loses twice the dice for that loss until the claqa can make a Very Difficult willpower roll (one roll per day is allowed).
Move: 5/7 (walking); 10/12 (swinging through vines)
Size: 1 meter tall
Background: Bilars were one of the few examples of a true group mind in the galaxy. Evolved from small, vegetarian primates on the tectonically active but highly fertile planet Mima II, each member of the species was a hairless, pink creature with large, dark eyes, a short muzzle, and two rounded ears. An individual Bilar was unintelligent, but the species had the ability to pool the knowledge and consciousnesses of groups of Bilars who shared a special bond with one another, creating conglomerations known as a claqas. Thus, a pair of Bilars collectively was as intelligent as a trained domestic animal, but a group of four achieved true sentience. The group mind developed shortly after the birth of those Bilars born nearby and within a few minutes of each other. The group mind depended on single Bilars sharing thoughts through pheromones, physical and visual contact, and telepathy. Larger claqas grew progressively smarter, with seven-member groups achieving genius-level intellects. Claqas with more than ten members were rare, and claqas generally referred to themselves as a single individual and went by a single name. Separation of any of the constituent Bilars resulted in a temporary loss of intelligence, and the death of a Bilar sent his or her claqa into a deep depression, sometimes leading to catatonia or the death of the whole.
The plant life of Mima II was so lush that it provided the Bilars with a comfortable and carefree existence. Claqas of five or more members preferred to live in urban environments situated in stable fields on the planet, and the species had access to mass production and other advanced technology. However, the goods they had to offer were of little interest to outsiders. Coupled with the fact that many non-Bilars found interacting with a group mind unnerving, Bilars had limited contact with the rest of the galaxy. When they did manage to venture offworld, their generally carefree existences on Mima II left them unused to deprivation. Nevertheless, a few Bilar claqas did venture into the greater galaxy to work at occupations that made use of their ability to work together seamlessly.