Force Power: Ballistakinesis
Alter Difficulty: Moderate or opposed dodge roll
Required Powers: Telekinesis
Warning: Anyone who uses this power against a living being gains an automatic Dark Side Point.
Effect: This allows the Force user to telekinetically spray a four square meter area which can be up to 20 meters away but within line of sight. Anyone within that area may make a dodge roll to get out of the range of the effect. Any character unable to escape suffers 5D damage due to the spray of debris slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning their bodies.
Background: Ballistakinesis was a telekinetic Force power used by the Jensaarai, which used telekinesis to accelerate a handful of small objects to lethal velocities. Ballistakinesis was not especially accurate, but when blanketing an area with accelerated debris, accuracy was not essential. Evasion was possible, but difficult.