Name: Ap’lek
Type: Knights of Ren
Died: 35 ABY, Exegol
Species: Humanoid
Gender: Male

Brawling Parry: 7D
Dodge: 7D
Grenade: 5D+2
Melee Combat: 7D+2
Melee Parry: 7D+1

Hide: 5D
Search: 4D
Sneak: 6D

Intimidation: 6D+2
Languages: 3D+2
Scholar (Knights of Ren): 5D+1
Survival: 5D

Brawling: 6D+2
Climbing/Jumping: 4D+2

Repulsorlift Operations: 5D+1
Starship Gunnery: 5D

Droid Programming/Repair: 4D+1
Repulsorlift Transports Repair: 3D
Space Transports Repair: 3D+2

Control: 3D
Sense: 2D+2
Alter: 3D+1

Ap’lek was Force-sensitive and an adept of the dark side of the Force, however his powers were underdeveloped.

Equipment: Ultrasonic Vibro-tech Mandalorian Executioner’s Ax made out of Beskar alloy (Str+2D Damage), Smoke Canister (+2D to Sneak/Hide), Water-shedding Oiled Cloak, Lightweight Plastoid Armor (+1D vs Physical, +2 vs Energy), Gauntlets with a set of raised teeth to assist in parrying and pinning edged attacks (+1D to Parry),Crude Rictus Helmet (+1D vs Physical, +2 vs Energy)

Force Sensitive: Y
Force Points: 7
Dark Side Points: 8
Character Points: 13
Move: 10

Background: Ap’lek was a Force-sensitive humanoid male who served as a member of the Knights of Ren, under the command of an individual known as Ren.

Powers and abilities
Ap’lek was Force-sensitive and an adept of the dark side of the Force, however his powers were underdeveloped. As a Knight of Ren, Ap’lek had a martial prowess very few could beat.

Unlike his fellow Knights, Ap’lek preferred deception over violence. He employed feints and misdirection to trap an opponent.

Despite his great skill as a warrior, Ap’lek was quickly killed by his redeemed former leader, Ben Solo, during the Battle of Exegol.

Ap’lek’s preferred weapon was a modified ancient Mandalorian executioner’s ax made out of beskar alloy. Ap’lek’s ax featured an ultrasonic vibro-tech feature which allowed it to slice through armor and bone easier. In relation to Ap’lek’s preference for stealth, the Knight of Ren had a smoke canister attached to his waist which spewed out smoke capable of distorting an opponent’s vision and sensors.

Ap’lek wore primarily black clothing, much like the other Knights of Ren. In particular, Ap’lek donned a water-shedding oiled cloak, and lightweight plastoid armor underneath his black tunic. He also wore gauntlets with a set of raised teeth to assist in parrying and pinning edged attacks. Ap’lek’s helmet conveyed a menacing rictus and was of relatively crude design, being patched together from battered armor.