Categories: Capital Ships

Altor-class Replenishment Ship

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Craft: Altor-class replenishment ship
Type: Supply Ship
Scale: Capital
Length: 4,600 meters
Skill: Capital Ship Piloting: Altor-class
Crew: 200, gunners: 90; skeleton: 45/+10
Cargo Capacity: 1.1 Billion Cubic Meters of Fuel
Consumables: 18 months
Cost: Not Available For Sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x10
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D
Space: 6
Hull: 3D
Shields: 2D
Passive: 40/0D
Scan: 75/1D
Search: 150/3D
Focus: 4/4D+2

30 Double Turbolaser Cannons
Fire Arc: Partial Turret (1 front/left/right, 1 right/front/rear, 1 left/front/rear)
Scale: Capital
Crew: 3 each
Skill: Capital Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
‘Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere Range: 600m-1.5km/3.5/7.5km
Damage: 5D

10 Tractor Beam Projectors
Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Capital
Crew: 12
Skill: Capital Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-5/15/30
Atmosphere Range: 200-500m/3/6km
Damage: 4D

Background: The Altor-class supply ship was a class of fuel replenishment supply ship developed by the Galactic Empire. 4,600 meters in length, the Altor was a huge starship, carrying six spheroidal fuel containers and multiple articulated arms with refuelling nozzles that allowed the supply ship to handle two capital ships simultaneously—one on each side. The stern housed a cluster of hangar/dry dock complexes that could accommodate frigate–sized capital ships for deep space repairs. Altors were propelled by seven powerful thrusters, each surrounded by eight auxiliary engines, amounting to fifty-six auxiliary engines in total. One Altor-class supply ship was based at Naval Station Validusia in the Validusia system.

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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