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Species: Alderaanian (Human)
Homeworld: Alderaan
Attribute Dice: 12D

Special Abilities:
Enlightened Society: Knowledge and education are very important to the Alderaanian people and they gain a +2 bonus on general knowledge rolls.
Pacifist Philosophy: Because of their peaceful natures, Alderaanians have a natural affinity for dealing with members of all species. As such, they gain a +2 bonus to all bargain, investigation, and persuasion skill rolls.
Pacifists: The Alderaanians strives for peace above all else. As such, they are rarely given to anger.
Move: 10/12
Size: 1.5-2.0 meters tall

Background: A cultural group of humans native to the planet Alderaan. Known for their pacifistic values and devotion to the arts. Some Alderaanian males wear their hair long by tradition.

Early in their history, the Alderaanians employed soldiers like most other cultures. However, they gradually developed into a pacifist society, one devoted to the fine arts and to philosophy. Over time, Alderaanians became noted for their willingness to share their knowledge freely with others. They were also careful to live in harmony with their planet, which was renowned for its untarnished beauty.

Throughout history, a number of Alderaanians emigrated to other planets, founding communities and exporting their unique culture far from their homeworld. Such offworld communities notably existed on Naboo and Sullust. Generations before the Galactic Civil War, a number of Alderaanians also established their presence on the planet of Espirion, which is known for being open to refugees and wanderers. There, they intermarried with the natives, a species of red-skinned humanoids with tapered ears. As a result, a population of half-Alderaanians, exhibiting non-human characteristics, arose on Espirion. In the immediate aftermath of the Battle of Yavin, their community was led by Chief Beon Beonel.

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