Name: Aldera
Planet: Alderaan
Starport Type: Stellar
Traffic: Heavy
Control: Republic
Docking Areas: 50 Docking Bays
Docking Fee: 5 credits a day
Customs: Local
Law Enforcement: Heavy
Services: Fully Serviced
Population: 2 million
Points of Interest: Aldera spaceport, Royal Museum of Aldera, Royal Palace of Alderaan, University of Alderaan
Background: Aldera was the capital city of the planet Alderaan in the Core Worlds. A picturesque city surrounded by nature, it housed both the renowned University of Alderaan and the Royal Palace, the latter being the official home of the monarch of Alderaan and their family. During the Clone Wars, Aldera housed the Alderaan Refugee Conference. In 0 BBY, the capital and the rest of Alderaan were lost when Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin ordered the Death Star to destroy the planet.
Appearances: Obi-Wan Kenobi, The Clone Wars, Episode III Revenge of the Sith