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Force Power: Alchemy

Control Difficulty: Moderate.

Sense Difficulty: Moderate.

Alter Difficulty: Varies (see below).

Required Powers: Accelerate Another’s Healing, Control Another’s Pain, Control Pain, Enhance Attribute, Enhance Another’s Attribute, Feed on Dark Side, Hibernation Trance, Injure/Kill, Life Detection, Life Sense, Place Another in Hibernation Trance, Sense Force, Sith Sorcery, Transfer Force.

Warning: A character who uses this power automatically receives a Dark Side Point.

Effect: Using ancient Sith equipment and arcane formulae, a character with this Force power can alter the molecular composition of living beings, creating Dark Side mutants. All changes made to a being with this power create horrific physical mutations. Altering multiple aspects requires multiple rolls, with each roll taking one minute and granting an additional Dark Side Point. To use this power successfully requires thousands of credits worth of alchemical equipment and raw materials (as well as a subject). Each alteration made inflicts 4D damage against the subject. This power can also be used to reshape inanimate matter.

AlterationAlter Difficulty
Add Claws or Fangs (strength +2 damage)Difficult
Add Horns (strength +1D damage)Difficult
Add Natural Armor (+1D versus energy)*Heroic
Add Natural Armor (+1D versus physical)*Very Difficult
Alter Physical Appearance (+1D to Intimidation)*Moderate
Grant Darkvision (20′)Very Difficult
Increase Attribute (+1 pip)Heroic
Increase/Decrease Size By Half*Heroic
Increase Move Score +2 ( up to twice original score)Very Difficult
Make Target Obedient (-1D to Willpower)Very Difficult
* Each additional use of this alteration on the same target increases the Alter difficulty by 5 points and grants an additional Dark Side point.

Background: Sith alchemy was a dark side technique of the Force that was used by the Sith and notably Darth Sidious when he attempted to enter the World Between Worlds. Sith scientists used Sith alchemy for Project Blackwing, an attempt to create immortality. The project ultimately resulted in a virus that resurrected the dead, and led to a widespread contamination. The reforged helmet of Kylo Ren was strengthened through the use of Sith alchemy.

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