Name: Adim
Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)
Hydrosphere: —
Gravity: —
Terrain: —
Length of Day: —
Length of Year: —
Sapient Species: Human
Starport: —
Population: 500 Million to 1 Billion
Planet Function: —
Government: —
Tech Level: Space
Trade Routes: —
Major Exports: Mined Resources
Major Imports: —
Settlements: —
Points of Interest: —
Flora: —
Fauna: —
System Data
Region: Inner Rim
Sector: Adari sector
System Name: Adim System
Star Name: —
Star Type: —
Background: Adim was a terrestrial planet located in the Adim system, a part of the Inner Rim’s Adari sector. It was the site of a town that functioned as a mining colony.
At some point by 7 ABY, in response to attacks by a group of pirates, the mining colony hired six mercenaries for protection. The pirates, however, hired the Kerestian bounty hunter Andov Syn, who proceeded to singlehandedly wipe out the mercenaries. The incident on Adim eventually cemented Syn’s reputation as a deadly bounty hunter. The New Republic General Airen Cracken subsequently noted the incident on Adim in Wanted by Cracken, a datafile that served as a compilation of reports on various threats to the New Republic.