Force Power: Beam of Light
Alter Difficulty: Easy
Required Powers: Force harmony, Force light, life detection, life sense, projective telepathy, receptive telepathy, sense Force
Effect: Upon the moment of death, a Neti Jedi can channel the Force energy of the planet on which they were rooted and release it in a beam of incredible energy. The strength of the beam is such that it will destroy anything within a hundred-meter radius of the Neti Jedi, and fire upwards a hundred kilometers into space. Anyone or anything caught within the beam – characters, vehicles, even starships – suffer capital-scale damage equal to the Jedi’s alter die, rounded down.
Despite the destructive energy released by this power, the Neti Jedi choose to use this upon dying as an act of sacrifice in order to kill Dark Jedi and/or to save others. Thus, use of this power does not constitute a Dark Side Point.
Restricted: Considering the mechanics behind this power, Neti Jedi serving the light side of the Force are the only ones who can learn and use this power. The only exception to date was Jedi Master Nat Skywalker, who combined his power with Jedi Master T’ra Saa moments before their deaths. Thus, the GM is strongly encouraged not to allow non-Neti Jedi to learn this power.