Name: Nee Alavar
Type: Senator
Species: Lorrdian
Homeworld: —
Gender: Female
Born: —
Died: —
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Brown
Height: —
Weight: —
Skin: Tan
Blasters: 3D
Brawling Parry: 3D+1
Dodge: 4D+2
Alien Species: 5D
Bureaucracy: 7D+1
Cultures: 4D+1
Intimidation: 4D+2
Languages: 5D
Planetary Systems: 5D
Scholar: Galactic Politics 8D
Value: 5D+1
Bargain: 4D+2
Con: 5D+1
Investigation: 5D
Persuasion: 6D+1
Brawling 4D
Computer programming/repair 5D+1
Special Skills:
Kinetic Communication: Time to use: One round to one minute. This is the ability of Lorrdians to communicate with one another through hand gestures, facial tics, and very subtle body movements. Unless the Lorrdian trying to communicate is under direct observation, the difficulty is Very Easy. When a Lorrdian is under direct observation, the observer must roll a Perception check to notice that the Lorrdian is communicating a message; the difficulty to spot the communication is the Lorrdians’s kinetic communication total. Individuals who know telekinetic conversation are considered fluent in that “language” and must make rolls to understand a message only when it is extremely technical or detailed.
Body Language: Time to use: One round. Traditionally raised Lorrdians can interpret body gestures and movements and often tell a person’s disposition by their posture. Given enough time, a Lorrdian can get a fairly accurate idea of a person’s emotional state. The difficulty is determined based on the target’s state of mind and how hard the target tries to conceal his or her emotional state. Based on the difficulties below, allow a Lorrdian character to make a body language or Perception roll. These difficulties should be modified based on several factors, including if the Lorrdian is familiar with the person’s culture, whether the person is attempting to conceal their feelings, or if they are using unfamiliar gestures or mannerisms.
Difficulty | Emotional State |
Very Easy | Extremely intense state (rage, hate, intense sorrow, ecstatic). |
Easy | Intense emotional state (agitation, anger, happiness). |
Moderate | Moderate emotional state (one emotion is slightly significant over all others). |
Difficult | Mild emotion or character is actively trying to hide emotional state (must make willpower roll to hide emotion; base difficulty on intensity of emotion; Very Difficult for extremely intense emotion, Difficult for intense emotion, Moderate for moderate emotion, Easy for mild emotion, Very Easy for very mild emotion). |
Very Difficult | Very Mild emotion or character is very actively trying to hide emotional state. |
Special Abilities:
Kinetic Communication: Lorrdians can communicate with one another by means of a language of subtle facial expressions, muscle ticks and body gestures. In game terms, this means that two Lorrdians who can see one another can surreptitiously communicate in total silence. This is a special ability because the language is so complex that only an individual raised fully in the Lorrdian culture can learn the subtleties of the language.
Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 2
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 10
Move: 10
Equipment: Senatorial robes
Background: Nee Alavar was a Lorrdian senator of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. She became a member of the Delegation of 2,000, a group of senators concerned with the actions of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine during the war.
After Palpatine was rescued during the Battle of Coruscant in 19 BBY, Alavar was among a group of senators who greeted him upon his safe return to the planet Coruscant. She was later one of several delegation members who met with Palpatine in his office to discuss their concerns. After the formation of the Galactic Empire later that year, Alavar vanished after being placed under Imperial arrest.
Appearances: Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith