Saturday, September 7, 2024
Space Transports

Ace’s Ship

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Craft: Ace’s Ship
Type: Space Transport
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 27 meters
Skill: Space transports
Crew: 1
Cargo Capacity: 50 metric tons
Consumables: 2 weeks
Cost: 15,500 credits
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x15
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D
Space: 4
Atmosphere: 280; 800 kmh
Hull: 4D
Shields: 1D
Passive: 10/0D
Scan: 25/1D
Search: 40/2D
Focus: 2/2D

Laser Cannon
Fire Arc: Turret
Crew: 1 (can be fired by pilot or co-pilot, +5 to difficulty)
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 1D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 3D

Background: Ace’s ship was owned by the human thief Ace Kallisto.

Appearances: Young Jedi Adventures

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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